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Giannitessari Az. Agr.

Giannitessari Az. Agr.

Via Prandi, 10 - 37030 Roncà (VR)
tel +39 045 7460070
email: office@giannitessari.wine
web: www.giannitessari.wine


The 2013 is the beginning of a new adventure for the Giannitessari. Headed by Gianni Tessari a well-known name in the wine field of Verona, signing since the Eighties successful wines, acknowledged with international awards. Gianni was born in 1963 in Brognoligo, in the suburbs of Monteforte d’Alpone, province of Verona.  It is not a coincidence that this is the Italian municipality with the highest density of vines.Here he started very young to work the family vineyards. A few hectares, all cultivated with Garganega. After graduating at the Agricultural Institute he started working inside the winery, experimenting and learning what no book can teach: passioncuriositydesire to discover and reach new goals. At the beginning of the 80s he began, with his brother, an adventure which brought their Soaves into markets of the whole world. These are years of great success for the Italian wine. Only few people understand that the road to success goes through quality with no compromise. And those few immediately found all the doors wide open


next associate Balestri Valda Az. Agr.
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